Friday, 22 November 2019

Packing Our Bags For The Bottom Of The Ocean

WALT: develop our own poem in response to our model ( packing my bags for... By James Norcliffe)
WALT: use an increasingly descriptive vocabulary to add interest to our writing.
WALT have some fun and be creative with ideas and imagination.
Here is my poem that I worked with Billie on
( my partner )
Packing Our Bags For The 
Bottom Of The Ocean
Image result for cartoon binoculars
One blackalicious, metallic, small stoned outside,
 spongey memory foam, warm and cosy inside,
 portable elevator 
to carry us to the bottom of the ocean 

to discover new species of fish.

A thick glowing, to cast light,
 blankety blanket,  in hypothermic prevention material
With clear wiggly tubes disappearing into your body carrying
 Specially adapted water pressure wetsuit

For exploring our underwater environment.

Image result for fat cartoon fish
A pair of knee high, multi colored rainbow tie dye, pink bows for
good vibes, rubber steel cap, snuggly wuggly, patterned
embroidered boots
 so we don’t cut our feet on the slippery  slimy rocks 

on the bottom of the ocean. 

Green night vision goggles, soft, icy cold, elephant weight
heavy,  spot lights with optional shades of light at the front of
the helmet.  

And my Assistant
In case I get lonely.
By Indi And Billie.

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