Wednesday, 11 December 2019

SLJ Shelly-Anne Fraser-Pryce Day 2

Today we did a teaser from the summer learning journey. We got to choose out of three tasks. I chose to do one about Shelly-Anne Fraser-Pryce. She is a amazing runner. For this task we had to write four similes about whatever we want.

  1. She is as fast as a cheetah.
  2. He is as tall as an adult giraffe.
  3. Her voice is as small as an ant.
  4. The balloon was as big as the Pacific Ocean.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Indira,

    My name is Leisha Ferguson and I am with the Summer Learning Journey. I live in Auckland and I am part of the team that will be commenting on your blog posts over the summer. I am really looking forward to getting to know you and reading your interesting blogs :)

    You have written some great similes. My favourite is that her voice is as small as an ant. It makes me think that her voice might be very quiet and squeaky :). Do you enjoy creative writing? Creative writing and poems are my favourite type of writing to do.

    Keep up your blog posts over this teaser week and get ready to start with Week 1 of the Summer Learning Journey on Monday 16th December. I cannot wait to see what your next blog post will be about!

    Leisha :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.