Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey Commenting

 For this task in the Summer Learning Journey we had to comment on someone elses blog post and take a screen shot of it and post it on our blog. Here is my comment below.


  1. Kia Ora Indi, I like how your comment is really positive and kind. It is a really good quality comment .
    Good Job Pippa

  2. Kia ora Indi,

    You’ve written a great comment! I like that you start with the positives then say how the blog reminds you of eating pasta and rice at your house. Great connection - Ka pai!
    Next time, you might like to ask the learner a question in your comment, as this could start a comment thread (where you reply to one and other), which is a great way for you to form connections with other student bloggers.

    I am so happy to see that you have signed up to participate in the Summer Learning Journey! Remember, if you check out some of the other bloggers’ Summer Learning Journey posts and leave a positive, thoughtful or helpful comment you will receive extra points! If you do this, remember to submit a link to your published comment using this form. .

    I look forward to seeing all your future blog posts!

    Ngā mihi,

    Fiona, SLJ Team


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.